Digital retinal imaging is a technique for performing high-resolution scans of the eye. It’s made possible by using digital retinal cameras that provide a comprehensive view of the inside of the eye. The photographs comprise the retina, macula, optic nerve, and blood vessels. After taking the image, it’s projected on a screen, and eye experts analyze it for potential eye diseases. Also, you can get the digital imaging scan taken during regular visits to the optometrist. The eye experts compare images taken in the past with the current one, making it easy to detect disorders when there are changes between the two images.
If the doctor sees an issue, they will perform other imaging tests such as ocular coherence tomography (OCT), fundus photography, and B-scan ultrasonography. It’s advisable to have routine digital retinal imaging for regular screening. It makes it easier to diagnose issues early, thereby improving treatment outcomes.
Yorkdale Eye Care has an optometrist in Toronto that offers digital retina imaging in North York. You can visit an optometrist near you and have the scan regularly. You are not alone if you have questions about Digital Retinal Imaging. Here are some of the more common questions we get to help you better understand the process and your options.
It is both safe and painless since it’s non-invasive. It’s a diagnostic tool that produces high-quality, colored digital images of your retina, blood vessels, and optic nerve. You do not require dilation of the pupils or any preventive measures. However, you may need pupil dilation for better results.
Digital retinal imaging helps in the identification of several ocular diseases. They include glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, retinal vascular changes, and retinal detachment. Also, the test can detect other conditions unrelated to the eye, such as high blood pressure.
Digital retinal imaging is a part of your regular eye exam. However, the test can be conducted outside of your regular exams, particularly when you notice vision changes and your eye doctor wants to rule out certain ocular conditions that may be causing changes to your vision.
Furthermore, the eye doctor recommends a DRI test if you are diagnosed with certain conditions. They include hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and retinal toxicity. DRI test helps to detect general conditions since it enables the doctor to see the blood vessels inside the eye, representing blood vessels in the rest of the body.
Before the test begins, your eye doctor may dilate your eyes with special eye drops. They will have you place your chin and forehead on supportive rests to help keep your head stationary. You then open your eyes as wide as possible as you stare at an object straight ahead.
You will see a bright flash to capture high-definition images of your retina and optic nerve. The images are then projected on a screen for the doctor to view.
There are three types of machines used to perform DRI tests. Each of the three uses a different technique to capture eye images.
Fundus camera – digital fundus cameras produce a 30–50-degree view of the retina and have very high resolution despite the narrow field of vision.
Optos – uses a unique technology that captures up to 200-degree images of the retina without dilating eye drops.
Centervue’s Eidon – uses a proper color confocal scanner that takes a 60-degree image by default. It can be customized to have a broader view. It can combine up to seven images for a 110-degree view.