Good eye vision and health is vital for your overall well-being and quality of life. Despite great efforts to prevent eye problems, millions worldwide are vulnerable to conditions like dry eye syndrome (DES).
Dry eye syndrome occurs when the eyes dry out due to insufficient production of tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. It can lead to blurred vision, redness, discomfort, and other complications.
Let’s discuss the common symptoms of dry eye syndrome, factors contributing to DES, and tips for dry eye management in North York.
The symptoms of DES can vary from mild to severe depending on the person. Common symptoms include:
Dryness is perhaps one of the most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Eye syndrome can be an uncomfortable, sandy, rough, gritty feeling in your eyes.
Without enough tears, the eyes lack proper lubrication.The result is an uncomfortable, burning sensation that isn’t relieved by blinking.
Dry eye syndrome can cause your eyes to make excessive amounts of tears. This can lead to blurred vision and impair your ability to function while performing everyday tasks.
DES can cause your eyes to become irritated and read. They will appear bloodshot and can often feel itchy and uncomfortable.
Another side effect of DES can be sensitivity to light. In some cases this can be extreme and cause headaches or an inability to see properly at night while driving.
People with dry eye syndrome often complain about feeling eye tiredness or strain. Especially when working on a computer, reading, or performing tasks that require significant concentration.
Dry eye syndrome can also cause significant discomfort or dryness at night or upon waking up, primarily due to reduced tear production and blinking during sleep.
Lack of proper lubrication can make it difficult or uncomfortable to wear contact lenses. The lenses can feel irritating and scratch, causing further discomfort.
Crusty, stingy, dry mucus around the eyes, especially around the corners after waking up, often indicates dry eyes. Dry or irritated eyes can stimulate tear production, often with excess mucus that causes an unsightly discharge around the eyes.
Certain factors can cause or increase the risk of dry eye syndrome, including:
Common options for reducing or preventing dry eye symptoms include:
Early detection and treatment of dry eye syndrome is essential to restore your quality of life and prevent future complications. For more information about dry eye syndrome and other vision problems, contact Yorkdale Eye Care to book an appointment with our Yorkdale eye doctor.